Print Design
Print Design
Our logo design prices generally range from $299 to $500, depending on the type of logo you want for your organization.

Graphic Design Services
Logos can be as simple as text placed in a creative way or have more abstract elements requiring illustration.
View specifics on our logo design prices.
What is your payment plan for logo designs?
For logo design jobs totaling under $500, payment is required in full for first-time clients. Logo design jobs over $500 are billable at one-half upon start of job and one-half upon completion of job. Transfer of the logo design and copyright is made to the client upon payment in full.
How many logo designs samples do we get to choose from?
Two logo design samples are given in the base price. Additional samples may be ordered for an additional 50% of the standard logo rate.
What formats are my logo delivered in?
Print logos are normally delivered in EPS or TIFF format (along with PDF format), unless requested in another format by the client. Clients wishing to have their logo in a specific software application format should check with us first before beginning their logo design.
Web logos are normally delivered in GIF or JPEG format, depending on the design of the logo. Special formats can be created, but we usually recommend sticking with these formats for general use.
Screen logos (other than the web, such as for a presentation) can be created in GIF, JPEG, PICT, PNG, Windows Bitmap, and many other formats. Again, we strongly recommend letting us know beforehand where you plan on having your logo displayed so we can make your logo design completely compatible when finished.
What is the difference between a print logo and a web logo?
Print logos require a much higher resolution (i.e., pixels per inch) to create and need to be saved in certain standard print file formats. Some of the most common and universal print formats for print jobs are TIFF, EPS, and Adobe Acrobat PDF. By creating a logo in these file formats, the logo can be opened up and printed even without having the original software application the logo was created in. Because print logos can become very large in file size, unless you have a fast Internet connection they are best sent on a form of removable media, such as a floppy disk, a Zip disk, or a CD-ROM.
Web logos require a much smaller resolution (since they only need to be displayed on screen), and can be sent directly through email or available for immediate download. Because web logos are so small in file size, they are not a good choice for printing, as the quality will appear very blurred or jagged on paper.
Can my logo be integrated into other software, such as Word, Powerpoint, and web pages?
Yes. Each software program has its own specific menu command to best place your logo into the program. However, not all software programs will have your logo appearing the same way unless your logo is saved in the file format that works best with that program. That’s why it’s a good idea to have your logo save in multiple file formats so you can have a copy readily available for all your needs.
What questions should I be asking myself when thinking about a logo design?

Print Design
What do I want my logo to represent? (Think key words: strength, resilience, quality, elegance, to name a few.)
Where will my logo be displayed?
What colors should my logo be?
Should it include text, an image, or both?
Should it have a special typeface?
Does it need any special effects?
How can it stand out from my competitors?
Remember: the more information you can provide us with, the better you can be assured of having the logo design that meets your exact needs.
What other design services can you provide to supplement our logo design?
NOLAGraphics also specializes in providing all types of collateral and stationery to supplement your logo design and present you with a complete company promotional package. Some of our most common supplements include:
Business Cards
Rolodex cards
Folders and inserts
Multimedia presentations
If you have a design need not covered in our short list, please contact us and we’ll provide you with special accommodations for handling your project.
Can my logo design be copyrighted?
Yes. Copyright applications are provided by the Federal government along with a standard filing fee for submission. The client may choose to handle the copyright application process on their own or, for a fee of $85, Grantastic Designs will complete the entire copyright application process on the client’s behalf. While submitting the copyright form is not a requirement, is its very strongly recommended.
All copyrights of the logo design are transferred over to the client upon clearance of full payment. To continue to provide competitive rates, we entrust the client’s responsibility to verify that both the artwork requested and any original designs given to Grantastic Designs will not infringe upon any statutory copyright.
What if I decide to cancel a logo job?
If the logo project is canceled before the client makes an initial selection, no additional payment is required. Should in the event that a logo project be canceled after completion, a cancellation fee of 50% of the remainder due will be administered. (The client only receives copyright to any artwork should they decide to make full payment at a later time.)
NOLAGraphics saves unfinished copies of all logo projects for an nominal period of time, should the client express an interest in continuing the project at a later date. Added fees may incur from project delays by the client, so it is always best to check with Grantastic Designs for any foresail delays and keep costs to a minimum.