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I don't sell products. Why do I need a website?

I don't sell products. Why do I need a website?

If you are reading this page, chances are, you surf the net from time to time. Thinking back to your own experience as a site visitor, haven’t you been prompted to look up information about a product, service, or company? Perhaps it was after hours and you had a question about a product. An FAQ page was pretty handy to have at that point, right?

There may be people who are curious about your business, but have never walked through your door because they simply haven’t made the time. By providing access to your business online, these potential customers can learn about products and services, business hours, company policies, etc., all in the privacy of their home or office. After their curiosity has been satisfied, you may have just gotten a sale or they may take a moment to call, email or visit the next time they have a need for the products or services you provide